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We have dedicated teams that are trained to design one-of-a-kind learning solutions that fit your unique needs and goals, tailored to the languages and cultures you need to reach.

Every eLearning venture begins at the planning stage and ends with the delivery of an eLearning solution with every detail implemented to the client’s satisfaction. The process can be separated into six steps:

Identify the target audience:
In order to design a program that achieves the client’s goals, the Instructional Designer and Project Leader need to know: Who will be taking the course? What language(s) do they speak? Are there special cultural considerations for this audience?
Identify the course objectives:
Once the target audience has been defined, the Instructional Designer will confer with the client to establish what their audience needs to take away from the course. What are the learning objectives?
Analyze the source content and confer with experts:
The The Instructional Designer analyzes the source material that will be the basis for the eLearning solution to be developed. Once the Instructional Designer has a grasp on the material, they confer with the appropriate Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), who have extensive knowledge on the topic.
Create a storyboard:
By the end of this step, the team has determined the structure, format, duration, content, activities, and assessment methods for the entire course.
During this phase, when the course is being assembled, narrations are recorded, animations are produced, and text is written, re-written, and triple-checked for quality. All of the carefully crafted parts are then combined and checked for consistency. A single project may be in production for multiple languages simultaneously.
Submit to client for review and approval:
This final step involves a finished product that must pass final inspection and approval by the client.
Identify the target audience:
In order to design a program that achieves the client’s goals, the Instructional Designer and Project Leader need to know: Who will be taking the course? What language(s) do they speak? Are there special cultural considerations for this audience?
Identify the course objectives:
Once the target audience has been defined, the Instructional Designer will confer with the client to establish what their audience needs to take away from the course. What are the learning objectives?
Analyze the source content and confer with experts:
The The Instructional Designer analyzes the source material that will be the basis for the eLearning solution to be developed. Once the Instructional Designer has a grasp on the material, they confer with the appropriate Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), who have extensive knowledge on the topic.
Create a storyboard:
By the end of this step, the team has determined the structure, format, duration, content, activities, and assessment methods for the entire course.
During this phase, when the course is being assembled, narrations are recorded, animations are produced, and text is written, re-written, and triple-checked for quality. All of the carefully crafted parts are then combined and checked for consistency. A single project may be in production for multiple languages simultaneously.
Submit to client for review and approval:
This final step involves a finished product that must pass final inspection and approval by the client.

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